There is dark side of the moon and sometimes it's not all dark.
Welcome to the Blog! I write random stuff out here. Generally posts can be about the things I've learned so far, Code Snippets I want to refer later, something I feel to share with the world or maybe when creativity within is resurrected.

Convert Normal Strings to template literals in JavaScript
Discover how to enhance JavaScript strings by converting them into template literals for dynamic content interpolation.

Linked List with Javascript Generators and Iterators
Linked list combined with Javascript Generators and Iterators

Method Chaining in Javascript
Chain Methods to add modularity. Kind of builder pattern
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Expose WSL Port
Expose WSL Port to other adapter interfaces

Improve git command performance.
Clear git cache to improve performance

Download file using curL
Command to download file using curl.
The dark, smooth areas on the Moon are called maria, which are ancient lava flows.