Enhancing Linked Lists with JavaScript Generators
In this post, we’ll explore the integration of JavaScript generators with linked lists, enhancing their functionality and utility.
Understanding Linked Lists
Let’s start with the basics. Linked lists are abstract data structures, comprising a sequence of elements where each element points to the next one. They’re like a chain, with each link connecting to the next.
Utility: Linked lists have numerous applications, ranging from building basic structures like stacks and queues to supporting associative arrays..
Variants: Depending on your needs, you can implement different variants of Linked Lists like singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, or circular linked lists.
Understanding Generators and Iterators
Generators and Iterators are like magic tools in JavaScript, simplifying how you handle iterable data structures.
Generators are special functions in JavaScript that enable pausing and resuming execution, allowing for the creation of iterable sequences with custom iteration behavior. Iterators, on the other hand, define how you traverse through these sequences.
Creating a Generator: Generators use the function*
syntax and the yield
keyword to emit values one at a time. This helps with lazy evaluation and saves memory when dealing with large datasets.
Linked List Implementation
I am implementing only
method so that the context of this post does not gets shifted.
class Node {
constructor(data) {
this.data = data; // Data stored in the node
this.next = null; // Pointer to the next node, initially null
class LinkedList {
constructor() {
this.head = null; // Reference to the first node, initially null (empty list)
// Append a new node with data to the end of the list
append(data) {
const newNode = new Node(data); // Create a new node with the provided data
if (this.head) {
// If the list is not empty
let currentNode = this.head; // Start from the head
while (currentNode.next) {
// Traverse the list until the last node
currentNode = currentNode.next;
currentNode.next = newNode; // Set the next of the last node to the new node
} else {
// If the list is empty
this.head = newNode; // Set the new node as the head
// Prepend a new node with data to the beginning of the list
prepend(data) {
// Prepend Implementation...
// Remove a node with specified data from the list
remove(data) {
// Remove Node implementation...
// Find and return the first node with specified data from the list
find(data) {
// Find implementation...
Add generator to linked list
We’ll define a generator function called entries()
within the LinkedList class
. This generator will iterate over the data in the list and yield tha data within the node for every iteration.
class LinkedList {
// ......
// LinkedList Implementation
// ......
// Generator function to iterate over the data in the list
*entries() {
if (!this.head) return; // If the list is empty, return nothing
let currentNode = this.head; // Start from the head
while (currentNode) {
// While there are nodes in the list
yield currentNode.data; // Yield the data of the current node
currentNode = currentNode.next; // Move to the next node
Let’s see how we can use our entries()
generator to output the data stored in our linked list:
Append data to the list
const linkedList = new LinkedList();
// Append some data to the list
Convert linked list to array
// Convert linked list to array
const arrayFromLinkedList = Array.from(linkedList.entries());
console.log(arrayFromLinkedList); // [ 'L', 'I', 'N', 'K' ]
Loop over linked list using for..of loop
// Loop over linked list using for..of loop
for (const val of linkedList.entries()) {
console.log(val); // L, I, N, K
Get value one by one from the generator
// Get value one by one from the generator
const gen = linkedList.entries();
console.log(gen.next().value); // "L"
console.log(gen.next().value); // "I"
console.log(gen.next().value); // "N"
console.log(gen.next().value); // "K"